Our Current Crop - Late April 2016

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What is Agroecology?

Agroecology is the study of ecological processes that operate in agricultural production systems. The prefix agro- refers to agriculture. Bringing ecological principles to bear in agroecosystems can suggest novel management approaches that would not otherwise be considered.

At Robina's Organics, we take an agroecological approach to ensure the sustainability of our produce and to contribute to the health of the planet. We believe strongly that the Earth, for all it has provided for human life, deserves the effort!


see more veggies

Our Family

Robina's Organics - family & earth

Keeping our family heritage alive by combining a love of good food, a thirst for deeper knowledge, and a drive to empower our community through education and ecological justice -- these are just a few of the values that keep us together, strong, and unique as a family.

Read more in our Farm Story!