farm story

June 27, 2016 Update

It is time to update. A lot has happened since the last post.

The semester was not quite over – the week of May 15th Evan had a serious accident. He was hospitalized for 3 days and is still recovering from his injury.

hospital stay, early June 2016.


It disrupted all the good work both of us had been putting into the farm. Once Evan was recovering at home, Abner and Meheen helped take care of him. This gave me enough time to return to farming.

As I completed grading the following week, one of my Global Studies students came out with her daughter to help weed our rows of carrots. My friend Judy and her granddaughter joined us May 25th for a kid’s day at the farm.


We have some lovely pictures.. Later that day, we disked our rows of greens (spinach, mustard, fenugreek and Asian greens) to prepare for a new crop. Look for the before and after pictures in our photo gallery.

Broccoli transplants (4770) arrived May 26 and I spent a whole day planting Broccoli starts, laying drip tape and watering.  I have maintained a photo record of our Broccoli but I am not the only one keeping a close watch. Aphids and Gophers have welcomed our new crop too. Keeping up with weeding is a tough task. Taking care of Evan and preparing for Abner’s graduation June 11th did not leave much time to weed.

Early June we focused on Beets. We did manage to weed Beets (with a lot of help), and harvest the earliest of three rows. June 3rd we picked, washed and packaged 13 x 25lb bags!! I harvested some cilantro but most of it was harvested by a farmer/neighbor. I let some of the cilantro flower and not only are we enjoying the fragrance, beneficial insects have been flocking to our fields.

June 11th was graduation day. We had a wonderful time at Abner’s graduation ceremony and the party that followed. I saved farm greens and other vegetables for a creamy green curry (spinach, mustard, fenugreek, beet greens, cilantro and chives) for Abner’s party. I also made a Beet salad with Beets from the farm as well as a Fava bean salad (grown in our backyard). We had Pakistani food from one of our favorite restaurants in Hayward.

Abner, Meheen and I began harvesting Rainbow carrots June 15th. The first day we picked, washed and packaged 9 x 25lb bags. We finished harvesting last week and our final count was 33 bags total!!! Now on to harvesting the last two rows of Beets. Will keep you posted!




From College to Farm, the first crop.

From cover crop to first sprouts to our first harvest, this is the inaugural year for Robina's Organics!

Below are some photos of our process, from the initial cover crop, plowing the first rows, installing drip tape irrigation, shading the rows, and our first alyssum, pac choi, mizuna, and our encore salad mix!

We are very proud of our first crop!